Custom PJ Deluxe 4 Color Burst
This bass features a 5A spalted AND flamed maple, hand-bookmatched top on a one-piece Louisiana swamp ash core, and an additional bookmatched African mahogany droptop on back. 4 color hand-mixed custom burst covers every spectrum in the rainbow but red! Matching vertical burst on our usual flamed maple/mahogany/flamed maple neck back, capped with a birdseye maple fingerboard done in vintage amber, clear-coated on the sides, but oiled on top. Back and front of headstock is also bursted. A spectacular look! Control plate features your choice of master volume/blend/master tone, or volume/volume/master tone. This model also comes with two jacks, one in the control plate as well as one on the side, offering stock stereo capability. For normal playing, plug in the side jack, but in the studio - or live - plug a second cord in the other jack, it splits the signal and you can run each pickup to a separate channel for the ultimate in versatility. Hipshot tuning machines and bridge, string through body, DR High Beam round wound strings, our usual high end electronics and special shielding, and genuine abalone knobs to match the abalone fret markers. Serial number TB000146. This is a VERY special instrument.